團練地址:台北市中正區八德路一段1號 (森林劇場)
團練時間:每週日早上7:00 - 8:00
備註:除了平甩外,還備有茶席,可攜帶小瓷杯 (慈悲)來喝茶喔!
PSG group practice locations - KL/PJ/Rawang/Puchong/ JB
{KL/PJ 雪隆區}
1) Kiara Park TTDI
Every Sunday,
Session 1: 7:00am |Session 2: 7:30 am
每週日早上7:00 (第一輪)和7:30(第二輪)
2. Bandar Utama BU6 Community Basketball Court
Time : 7:00 am Daily 每日早上7點
3. Kota Damansara —Jalan Sepah Puteri, Seri Utama Padang
Time: 7:30am Every Monday 每週一早上7:30
Go straight after guard post, the Padang is located on the left hand side at the 3rd turning. 保安亭過後直走到第三個路口,左邊就是草場了。
Contact person: 016 208 5478
4. Rawang community
Every Tuesday 8:30am
Tasik Ameral West, Country Home (berhadapan surau al-munawir)
Contact person: brother Andrew 知远师兄 +60 12-207 7837 /Pak Roby
5. Bandar Kinrara, Puchong
每逢星期一 早上7:30 (30 分鐘平甩+ 10 分鐘靜坐)
Every Monday 7:30am (30 min PSG + 10 min meditation )
Location: BK9, Warna , Bandar Kinrara, Puchong.
Contact person: 劉師姐 Sister Liew +60 16 279 8189
Google map location:
{ JB 柔佛 }
6. Taman Sutera Utama, Skudai
公園位置: Jalan sutera pulai 2/23 , Taman Sutera Utama, Skudai, Johor.
在 Google 地图上查看此地点 https://maps.app.goo.gl/LRqXjGF4H36oe4YSA?g_st=ic
Every Sunday 每周日:7:30am
Contact person : Sharon 師姐 018-7766260
團練地址:Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
聯絡⼈:吳漢賢 0811 838675